#1 Way to Use LinkedIn to Get More Cliet Referrals

LinkedIn is the best business development tool to identify who your client knows and ask for a targeted referral.

LinkedIn is an on line Rolodex not just of you connections, but of you connection’s connections. in other words, used correctly LinkedIn will search through a connection’s network easily, quickly and accurately will filter and search the criteria you are looking for and feed you a list of the people you want to meet that they know! How about that for intel?

Written by Brynne Tillman.  To read the full article, click here.

About MyDigiBrand™

At MyDigiBrand™, we're passionate about what we do. Our team has been in the technology industry for ages, and are proud to play a small role in helping people capitalize on the Internet to establish their brands and generate revenues. Like most small businesses, we've gone through the trial processes of trying to find what works to create and maintain a powerful social media presence. We know it's not easy, that it takes a lot of work and a whole helluva lot of consistency. Most small businesses just don't have the time to do it, nor the resources to have someone on staff dedicated to managing their social presence.​ So let MYDIGIBRAND handle it for you. We've been there. We understand. And we can definitely help!
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